Residency by Innovation
The Innovator Occupation Permit seeks to nurture the innovation ecosystem in Mauritius by welcoming ambitious entrepreneurs and startups, who have Research and Development as a core aspect of their activities. Investors have a unique opportunity to test and scale up ideas into innovative products or services, by leveraging on supporting networks.

Key Features
Determining criteria
An innovative project, with at least a 20% Research & Development component, approved by the Economic Development Board
10 years,
Renewing criteria
Such conditions as the Chief Executive Officer may determine.
The minimum investment criteria does not apply for this category. Instead, you will be required to either submit your innovative project to the Economic Development Board for evaluation and approval or register with an incubator accredited with the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council.
The business plan should clearly depict all expenditures related to R&D activities, which must constitute of at least 20% of total operational expenditure, during the research phase.
The onus lies on the promoter to provide for precise, comprehensive and reliable information on its qualifying activities. The Economic Development Board reserves the right to accept or reject qualifying R&D expenditures based on sound interpretation of the innovative and added value aspects of the project.
The following costs may qualify as Research and Development expenditures:
- Direct R&D staff costs
- Subcontracted R&D costs
- Externally provided R&D staff
- Clinical trial volunteer costs
- Prototypes
- Software directly used in R&D
- Consumable items
- Any other expenditure deemed to have been incurred with the prospect of gaining new scientific or technical knowledge and understanding.
The following costs will however not be considered as R&D expenditure:
- The production and distribution of goods and services
- Capital expenditure
- The cost of land
- Expenditures incurred for the use and the creation of patents and trademarks, as these are the cost of protecting the completed R&D.
You can start the application process online without having to travel to Mauritius. The National Electronic Licensing System is a dedicated online platform that caters for the whole process: from submission of application until issue of the approval in principle letter.
For security and identification purposes, you will be required to register prior to the use of the online platform, accessible on the following link
The Corporate and Business Registration Department (CBRD) is a one-stop shop for starting a business and it offers a variety of options in terms of category, nature and type of company. You will be required to register on the following link to start the procedures to set up a company.
A non-regulated activity does not require any licence or clearance to start operations. A regulated activity as opposed with require a clearance/licence from the relevant public sector agency prior to the start of operations or within a defined timeframe, after operations have started.
You will be informed of the need to apply for a clearance/licence following the submission of your application for an Occupation Permit. The clearance/licence is requirement to obtain an Occupation Permit.
However, a non-citizen who has a residence permit under IRS/RES/PDS will be exempted from an Occupation or Work permit to invest and work in Mauritius.
Companies incorporated in Mauritius are required to file a return of income with the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) annually and effect payment of tax where applicable. An annual return must also be filed with the Corporate and Business Registration Department.
Application for a Residence Permit as dependent is made to and determined by the Passport and Immigration Office.
As a foreign national, you may acquire a residential property developed under the Integrated Resort Scheme (IRS), Real Estate Scheme (RES), Property Development Scheme (PDS) or Smart City Scheme (SCS). The foreign national is also allowed to acquire an apartment located in a building of at least ground plus two floors.
In addition, a non-citizen who has a residence permit under IRS/RES/PDS is exempted from the requirement to hold an Occupation or Work Permit to invest and work in Mauritius.
Immigration policies in Mauritius strongly promote family reunion/reunification. Dependents of Occupation Permit holders and/or Retired non-citizens are eligible to apply for a residence permit, allowing them to live in Mauritius for the same duration as the main holder.
Dependents are referred to as spouse (including Common Law Partner of the opposite sex), parents and children (including stepchildren or lawfully adopted children) who are unmarried and not engage in any gainful activity.
Application for a Residence Permit as dependent is made to and determined by the Passport and Immigration Office.
Preliminary documents to be uploaded online for Approval-In-Principle
- Birth Certificate – original (either in English or French) If not, a certified/sworn translated copy by a competent authority should be submitted.
- Detailed Business Plan with R&D expenditure components – as per template provided
- Registration with incubator, if applicable
- Passport – Biodata page
- 1 recent colour passport size digital photograph – dimensions 3.5cm (413 pixels) x 4.5cm (531 pixels) (less than six months old)
- Signed undertaking – to be filled and signed by the applicant.
- Copy of any other permit, if applicable– Occupation Permit/Work/Residence Permit
Documents to be uploaded after Approval-In-Principle
- Business Registration Card
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Register of Shareholders and Directors
- Clearances/licenses/letter of intent for regulated activities (GBL, TEL, etc)
- Marriage Certificate / Divorce Certificate– original (either in English or French) If not, a certified/sworn translated copy by a competent authority should be submitted.
- Medical Certificate and reports – less than six months old
- Last entry visa pages
- Processing fee
- Any other document as may be required.
Preliminary documents to be uploaded online for Approval-In-Principle
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Business Registration Card
- Register of Shareholders and Directors
- Clearances/licenses/letter of intent for regulated activities (GBL, TEL, etc)
- Passport – Biodata page
- 1 recent colour passport size digital photograph – dimensions 3.5cm (413 pixels) x 4.5cm (531 pixels) (less than six months old)
- Copy of Occupation Permit
- Signed undertaking – to be filled and signed by the applicant
Documents to be uploaded after Approval-In-Principle
- Processing fee
- Any other document as may be required.
Note to applicants
All documents uploaded prior and after the Approval-In-Principle must be presented in originals on the appointment date.
Applying for an Occupation Permit or a Residence Permit by Retirees on the National E-Licensing System (NELS) is free of charge. In addition, the Economic Development Board does not charge any fees for processing of applications for these permits. Only successful applicants are required to pay the statutory permit fees, as prescribed by law, to the Government of Mauritius.
Any other questions ?
You may contact EDB office on
+230 2033800 or send your query below: