
They Chose Mauritius

Vatel decided to open a school in Mauritius in 2009 for two reasons. First, because of the worldwide recognition of the Mauritian hospitality industry. Secondly, because of the government’s vision to develop Mauritius as a knowledge hub. After 6 years of operation, our strategy, well supported by EDB, has been successful.

Mr Renaud Azema

Franchise & General Manager, Vatel Mauritius

There are a host of factors which have influenced our decision to invest in Mauritius. Having access to a well-educated and bilingual workforce, coupled with a business-friendly and above all politically and economically stable environment, makes Mauritius a perfect offshore location for Ebenegate.

Mr Pearse Flynn

CEO, Ebene Gate

I have been living in Mauritius for the past 16 years and I have been evolving in the real estate industry. Mauritius is one of the most reliable countries in the world, where we have stability and a very warm welcome.The infrastructure in Mauritius is worthy of acclamation, as can be seen in the number of smart cities and other sustainable development projects around the island.

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Emanuelle Moizan

Real Estate Agent

I came to Mauritius in 2008 to work for a French group of companies. I felt a sort of bonding with this country, because of its pleasant and advantageous living conditions. I therefore decided to retire here in 2011 with a Retired Non-Citizen permit. There is also a modern medical infrastructure and people who love nature will a variety of open-air activities.View video

Mr Patrice Falzon

Retired Resident

I have chosen Mauritius based on several factors: the level of spoken French, which is impeccable, even excellent, the empathic character of the staff and the seriousness of the staff. All these constitute the advantages of being in Mauritius and of working with Mauritians.

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Dr. Stephane Bach

Digital Data Solutions

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